Lightning Fast and Robust Network

Network Features

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Network Infrastructure

  • Over 130GBPS of resilient diverse connectivity from premium bandwidth & connectivity providers.
  • 100% Juniper core routing in a redundant meshed configuration.
  • HP switching hardware with dual network drops to each rack.
  • Intelligent routing with real-time traffic monitoring.

Network Resilience

  • Multiple fibre entry points to building ensure redundancy in case of external cable cut.
  • Additional network POPs maintained in two other London datacentre facilities (Sovereign House and Telehouse North).
  • Dual network cable drops to all server racks.

Connectivity Providers

  • Undersold network at only 50% capacity.
  • A blend of premium bandwidth providers which include.

Network Resilience

  • LINX is an Internet exchange point which allows us to peer with other providers (allowing for faster access speeds and additional redundancy). LINX has over 200 members including.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Get in touch with us, and we’ll get back to you ASAP.